HF800ER-R1-1V - Honeywell HF800 Scanner

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Honeywell HF800 Scanner HF800ER-R1-1V
Honeywell HF800 Scanner HF800ER-R1-1V
Honeywell HF800 Scanner

Honeywell HF800 Scanner

SKU: HF800ER-R1-1V
Weight: 1 lbs.

Connectivity Corded
Scanner Type 2D Area Imager
Form Factor Fixed Mount
Scanner Includes Scanner Only [No Cable]
Scan Pattern Area
Scan Range Standard
Interface Serial Ethernet
IP Rating IP65

Product Highlights

Honeywell, HF800ER, Scanner Only: Tethered Stationary Industrial. 1D, PDF417, 2D, ER Focus, Vertical Mount
IP65 Rating
2D Barcodes
1D Barcodes

Honeywell HF800 Fixed-mounting 2D Industrial Reader

The new fixed-mounting industrial reader HF800 delivers outstanding barcode reading capability for all types of 1D and 2D codes including those on printed labels and the most difficult direct part mark (DPM), making it perfect for production data tracking for PCB and precision electronic parts, food production process management and confirmation of logistics barcode on the external packing cartons for electric/mechanical parts.

HF800 is equipped with imager with a resolution of 500K-pixel which iscapable of collecting images at 60 fps. Its built-in red LED light sourcecombined with exceptional DPM decoding algorithm enables HF800 to havepowerful DPM resolution. In addition, its compact size makes it ideal for usein industrial environment with limited space. The IP65 protection ratingalso ensures that it can handle various harsh working environments.

HF800 is also equipped with DataMax software, as well as AutoLearnfunction. The user can complete image setting with just onebutton, a significant convenience for any bar code reader.

The device is integrated with networkports, RS232 port and RS485 portas well as I/O port input to meet theneeds of users in different applicationenvironments. A 0-degree and90-degree version for vertical orhorizontal mounting can be selectedbased on the site’s actual working needs.

Depending on the working distance,there are 3 different versions available–HD, SR and ER. The user can selecta product that suits their needs forworking distance and field of vision.

Features and Benefits

  • Powerful DPMdecoding:500K-pixelresolution imagerwith 60fps capabilityand built-in red LEDlight source to giveit powerful decodingcapability for DPM.
  • Suitable for use inharsh and complexenvironments: Itscompact size makes itideal in tight industrialenvironment, while itsIP65 rating ensures thatit can handle all typesof harsh and complexwork environments.
  • Simple and quickconfiguration: Equippedwith DataMax softwareand AutoLearn functions,it allows image settingto be completed withjust one button, therebysignificantly increasingthe convenience ofconfiguring the reader.
  • Wide variety of ports:HF800 is integratedwith network port,RS232 port and RS485port, as well supportsI/O port output.
  • Numerous models tomeet different applicationneeds: Offers two versions– 0  and 90  – as well as 3versions namely HD, SR andER for different distances;product combinationsmeet the needs of usersfordifferent applications.
MSRP: $1275.34
Quantity Discounts