Mobile Mark SMW-305-3A3A2A-WHT-204 GNSS Multiband Surface Mount Antenna
Part Type | Antenna |
Interface | Cellular 4G GPS Wi-Fi |
Environment | Indoor/Outdoor |
Gain | 5 dBi |
Product Highlights
Mobile Mark SMW-305-3A3A2A-WHT-204 GNSS Multiband Surface Mount Antenna MNF# SMW3053A3A2AWHT204Mobile Mark Multi-Band Antennas
Mobile Mark's multi-band antennas are designed to provide seamless connectivity across multiple frequency bands, making them ideal for versatile communication needs. These antennas support various applications, from cellular and Wi-Fi to public safety and M2M communications. Their advanced design ensures reliable performance and efficient signal transmission, even in challenging environments. Mobile Mark’s commitment to quality and innovation makes their multi-band antennas a top choice for robust and flexible wireless solutions.
SMW-305-3A3A2A-WHT-204 GNSS Multiband Surface Mount Antenna
SKU | SMW3053A3A2AWHT204 |
Manufacturer Part Number | SMW-305-3A3A2A-WHT-204 |
Manufacturer | Mobile Mark |
Antenna Category | Multi-Band (Cellular, WiFi, and/or GPS) |
Ground Plane Required | No |
Product Condition | New |
SMW-305-3A3A2A-WHT-204 is a GNSS Multiband Surface Mount Antenna.
3 cables: 4G LTE, WiFi, GNSS
Cable 1: 694-894 MHz, 3 dBi & 1.70-2.7 GHz, 5 dBi
Cable 2: 2.4-2.5 & 4.9-6.0 GHz, 5 dBi
Cable 3 (GNSS): 1561, 1575, & 1602 MHz, LNA 26 dB, 5 dBi gain