GPSGB2530 - Pulse GPSGB2530 Pulse GPS Multi-mode Antenna

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Pulse GPSGB2530 Pulse GPS Multi-mode Antenna GPSGB2530
Pulse GPSGB2530 Pulse GPS Multi-mode Antenna GPSGB2530
Pulse GPSGB2530 Pulse GPS Multi-mode Antenna

Pulse GPSGB2530 Pulse GPS Multi-mode Antenna

Weight: 1 lbs.

Part Type Antenna
Interface GPS
Environment Indoor
Polarization Linear
Minimum Order Quantity 29

Product Highlights

Pulse GPSGB2530: Pulse GPS multi-mode, 25X25MM PA NPB MNF# GPSGB2530

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Pulse Electronics

Pulse, a YAGEO company, stands as a pivotal entity within a network of businesses, collectively forming one of the world's premier passive electronic manufacturers. Established in 1956 in Redwood City, California, and acquired by Yageo Corporation in 2018, Pulse boasts over six decades of pioneering expertise, positioning us as frontrunners in technology, design, and manufacturing. The extensive array of passive electronic components encompasses power and networking magnetics, current sensing, cable harnesses, power supplies, antennas, and connectors. Catering to a diverse global clientele spanning the Communications, Computing, Consumer, Industrial, IoT, and Transportation sectors, Pulse Electronics products find application in various realms, from hybrid and electric vehicles to 5G mobile network systems, smart grids, wearables, lighting, cell phones, data centers, wireless charging, industrial automation equipment, and security.

GPSGB2530: Pulse GPS multi-mode, 25X25MM PA NPB ***This part is subjected to a MOQ of 29 pcs***


Manufacturer Part Number GPSGB2530
Manufacturer Pulse
Antenna Category GPS/GNSS (1545.72, 1561-1602 MHz)
Product Condition New

GPSGB2530: Pulse GPS multi-mode, 25X25MM PA NPB