SSI-S84NX-203S - SSI Sato S84NX Compatible Printhead

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SSI Sato S84NX Compatible Printhead SSI-S84NX-203S
SSI Sato S84NX Compatible Printhead SSI-S84NX-203S
SSI Sato S84NX Compatible Printhead

SSI Sato S84NX Compatible Printhead

Weight: 2 lbs.

Select By Printer Sato S84NX
dpi (dots per inch) 203dpi

Product Highlights

Compatible Printhead for the S84NX, 203 dpi, Comparable to OEM Part Numbers R40683300

SSI Inc Printheads

Many of the After Market Printheads that SSI manufacture come in two grades of performance. One is most suitable for direct thermal applications and the other is most suitable for thermal transfer applications. SSI printheads perform consistently and are extremely cost effective.

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