EPK-TZ - Threshold eVisitor Turbo Package

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Threshold eVisitor Turbo Package

Weight: 11 lbs.

Product Highlights

eVisitor Software, Threshold Security, One-Year Software Subscription, 1000 4 Inch Tab-Expiring Direct Thermal Badges, Turbo Driver’s License Reader, Camera, Printer Cleaning Kit, USB Hub

Threshold eVisitor

Secure Visitor Identification

Visitor Management System makes it easy for facilities to log, identify, track, and run reports on visitors.

The eVisitor computer template prints good-looking adhesive badges, customized with your logo. It lets you design I.D.’s for all kinds of visitors, including:

  • Vendors
  • Contractors
  • Temporary Employees
  • Volunteers
  • Parents
  • Substitute Teachers
  • Or add your own!

Threshold Security's fabric-friendly labels stay on without harm to clothing. Most of their visitor labels are self-expiring, which means they change color overnight to prevent reuse. This aids in visitor management and can be found here.

Easy and affordable visitor management

This system makes it easy for you to get started and is easy for you to use. You don’t need to do any networking or provide space for data storage. This helps make it affordable - you pay only for the functionality you need (as little as $490 per year), including automated recordkeeping and reporting. eVisitorPass provides an essential layer of security in an effective, time-efficient manner.

About the Software

No infrastructure to buy or maintain. We maintain the entire back-end data infrastructure for you.

  • All it takes is a simple download to your Windows computer - eVisitor supports all Microsoft supported versions of windows. (Currently version 7, 8 or 10). You should also have a high-speed internet connection (1Mbs or faster is recommended). Finally, you should have administrator rights on your computer, allowing you to download software. Check with your company’s System Admin or I.T. department if you have questions.
  • You get free automatic updates, so you’re always using the latest version.
  • State-of-the-art, secure cloud-based storage of data means simple deployment, and quick and easy access to your data from anywhere with an internet connection (protected, of course, by a secure passcode and 128-bit encription). No networking needed and no storage capacity issues. (Threshold will store your visits for up to one year, after which you will have an opportunity to archive the data to your own system before it is purged from storage. Please contact Threshold Security if you require longer data retention.)
  • About your data’s security - A multi-tenant environment is created through the use of tenant keys that are used throughout the solution to identify and protect a specific client’s data. Data is backed up in multiple fault zones and data centers so that you can be sure that the integrity of your system is established in the case of disaster. Your data is stored in a secure environment that complies to HIPAA and most other standards. eVisitorPass runs in geographically dispersed datacenters that comply with key industry standards, such as ISO/IEC 27001:2005, for security and reliability. They are managed, monitored, and administered by operations staff that have years of experience in delivering the world’s largest online services with 24 x 7 continuity.
  • Easy reporting functionality includes a Visitors Log that lets you filter on date range, on visitor category, or even on the history of a single visitor, then export reports, as desired, to Excel for customized analysis, Word, or PDF. In an emergency, you can print an evacuation report of who is in your facility.
MSRP: $3650.00
Quantity Discounts