Wasp BC150 Barcode TIme Clock
Product Highlights
Wasp BC150 Barcode Time Clock
Eliminate Costly Timecard Errors
Automatically Capture Employee Time and AttendanceBusinesses around the world need affordable solutions to reduce operational costs and increase efficiencies. Manual attendance tracking is prone to human error, which can result in over or underpaying employees. With PreciseTime, managers can instantly access employee schedules and manage their staffing accordingly. Studies show that using timekeeping software reduces errors by approximately 44 percent, which saves companies the time and expense of making costly corrections.
- Easy-to-Use:
- Export to Payroll
- Assures Accuracy
- Creates Efficiency
- Configurable and Customizable
Eliminates the need for traditional timesheets because information is automatically logged in the software, regardless of the employee’s location.
Save money by reducing inaccurate time reporting, buddy punching, and overpayment.
Expedite your payroll by easily exporting your time tracking data to popular payroll solutions.
Manual attendance tracking is prone to human error, which can result in over or underpaying employees.
Streamline by centralizing your attendance management, automating processes, and receiving real-time access to attendance data.
No business is exactly the same, so easily make PreciseTime fit your specific needs.
Hardware Options Made to Create a more Efficient Time and Attendance Capture:
- Biometric Time Clock
- RFID Time Clock
- HID Time Clock
- Barcode Time Clock
With the Wasp biometric time and attendance solution, you can enjoy the benefits of an automated employee time tracking system with the added convenience and security of biometric (fingerprint) authentication.
Improve productivity and eliminate costly payroll errors with the Wasp RFID solution. Designed for easy, efficient use, the RFID time and attendance solution automates employee time tracking using RFID technology.
The Wasp HID solution is designed for ease-of-use. A built-in HID proximity reader is used to capture employee time – adding security and convenience to your time and attendance tracking process.
Improve the efficiency of employee time and attendance tracking with the Wasp barcode clock solution. Designed to eliminate costly payroll errors associated with manual time and attendance tracking.