WS-5100-R141-18-WW - Symbol WS 5100

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  • Symbol WS 5100

    ( SKU: WS-5100-R210-18WWR )

    Symbol WS 5100 - Wireless Switch (V 2.1, 18 Ports).
Symbol WS 5100 WS-5100-R141-18-WW
Symbol WS 5100 WS-5100-R141-18-WW
Symbol WS 5100

Symbol WS 5100

SKU: WS-5100-R141-18-WW
Weight: 0 lbs.

Product Highlights

Symbol WS 5100 - Wireless Switch (V 1.4.1, 18 Ports).
The Symbol WS 5100 Wireless Switch redefines the standard for enterprise class wireless networks, delivering extensive functionality, security, scalability and management at a much lower total cost of ownership than first-generation access point-based networks. By centralizing intelligence that was previously distributed throughout a wireless network via access points, the WS 5100 wireless switch architecture delivers an unparalleled level of wireless LAN control, performance and management simplicity.