LabTAG NitroTAG Cryogenic Barcode Labels
From -196°C to +100°C (-320.8°F to +212°F)
NitroTAG® labels are ideally suited specifically for small diameter cryo tubes & vials, cardboard freezer boxes,
polypropylene cryo/freezer boxes, cell culture plates, plastic bags, and other containers destined for storage in
liquid and vapor phase liquid nitrogen (-196°C), laboratory freezers (-120°C, -80°C, -20°C), or transport on dry
ice. NitroTAG® labels are made from a strong thermoplastic film with an extra-permanent cryo adhesive that allows
them to be immersed in liquid nitrogen immediately after application, without requiring additional tape or
wrap-around. Contact our knowledgeable staff to inquire about a sample or for assistance with everything your lab
needs to identify and track your samples and inventory.